Morning diligent housewife, I made a shopper for my sister, sourdough bread, Olesya, Village
My sister came to me (she lives in another country and we see each other once a year) and as a gift I sewed two shopper bags for her. I will show how I sewed them and applied the pattern through the stencil. I also baked bread on sourdough, which I made myself. This sourdough is already several years old. My sister and I walked in the city park and fed the ducks. Enjoy watching. Recipe for sourdough bread with whole wheat flour. 350 grams white flour, 140 grams whole grain flour, 25 grams fermented rye malt 360 grams of water 100120 gr. sourdough (moisture 50 Levito Madre ) 25 grams of butter, 10 grams of salt Mix flour + malt + water until smooth. Add yeast, salt and oil. Mix well and leave to rise. Stretching every 50 minutes (3 times). Form the bread, put in a proofing basket, leave for 1 hour at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator and leave there until the morning. In the morning, preheat the oven and skillet. Place the bread in the ho