размножение Agalychnis spurrelli
My presentation for the 2020 Animal Behavior Society Virtual Meeting about my research on Gliding treefrog reproductive behavior: Possible alternative male tactics in a terrestrial breeder. Abstract: Gliding treefrogs, Agalychnis spurrelli, on Costa Ricas Osa Peninsula breed explosively in huge aggregations with highly maleskewed sex ratios and intense malemale scramble competition. We observed multiple males cluster around females in attempts to dislodge amplexed males or clasp pairs before and during oviposition. Some nonclasping males position their vents directly beside females during oviposition; others kick at recently laid eggs, including after pairs leave. We hypothesize that clasping amplexed pairs, ventpositioning adjacent to pairs, and eggkicking function as alternative reproductive tactics in which nonamplexed males fertilize eggs by sperm competition or inseminating remaining unfertilized eggs. Our current work combines behavioral data from video recordings with genetic