Abu Maxim the Praetorian Steppas Sometimes I Get It ( KAT012)
Release number 12 from those good folk at KAT comes via the curious sounding Abu Maxim the Praetorian Steppas (aka Manchester s Freak Seven) With 2 tracks that go against the recent KAT grain of straight up edits to add a four to the floor flavour. Starting things off is Sometimes I Get It, a glorious midtempo Disco Houser which strips back Ronnie Laws All For You and Marvin Gayes Come Live With Me Angel to their bare bones and starts again from scratch. The result is a squelchy bass line, conga led, dance floor smash with modern soul and jazz funk vibes aplenty. Under his Freak Seven guise, support on his recent (and brilliant) Rush Hour release came flooding in from Andrew Weatherall, Dixon, Ross Allen, Xpress 2 and Dave Clarke to name but a few, Freak Seven is one to watch so keep em peeled