Hello friends Welcome back. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to watch our video. I think this was the first time pretending to faint in front of both N L and their reactions are hilarious. Have you tried this with your dogs We hope you enjoyed it and don t forget to share with a friend. :). . Links for dogs products: (some are affiliate links). . WE HAVE MERCH: hoodies, shirts and more What we feed: Raw Freeze Dried Food for Cats and Dogs SimpleFoodProject Discount Code NL10 Tooth and Honey PJs for your dogs Discount Code NL10 Amazon: Our best picks for your furkids a. co, hyg5saU Farm Hounds: One treat ingredients Take 10 off your entire order all month long with code: TREATS10 BarkBox SuperChewer Sub to a 6 or 12 month membership and get one box free (Not an affiliate) CBD Treats and Oil Suzies CBD Treats Discount Code NL10 Check our other links below: We have some discounts: . . FOLLOW US: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Twitter: noahandlincoln