Molokija Milk factory Ukraine: Milk in PET bottles 6000 bph of 1 L ( SMF)
Optima 4 turbo SMF in Ultra Clean version key elements for 21 days ESL milk shelf life: Machine covered (top cover roof) to ensure cleanliness inside the machine Fan with air filer on the top of the blowing machine to ensure the overpressure inside the machine dust from outside doesn t come inside the machine UV LAMPS at the top of the preform feeder and inside the closing unit to provide disinfection of the preform s neck Machine chamber disinfection with ozonized air to keep clean machine inside before and after blowing bottles production. Preform ionization jonized air injection during preform movement on the gravity rails before heating and blowing process to generate negative ions Covers for preform hopper to protect preforms in hopper against any contamination and reducing dust exposure Twostage rinser using ozone water