Radical Race Agitator Finds Out Her Ancestor Was a White Mayflower Passenger
Angela Davis is a fullon socialist, was an active member of the communist party, and is a Marxist. Angela was on Henry Louis Gates Show this week, and she found out one of her ancestors arrived on the American Mayflower, which is ironic for someone who is so antiAmerican. Shop Legacybox with my exclusive discount: Learn more about Innovation Refunds at Watch the memberonly portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Watch the full episode here: Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Get your Jeremy s Razors today at Grab your Ben Shapiro merch here: , BenShapiro, TheBenShapiroShow, News, Politics, DailyWire, radical, crt, mayflower, currentnews, angeladavis, blackpanther, c