The Iconoclast The Islamization of England Part 2
Savile Town is 99 Muslim now. An observer made the following comment, Stand in Savile Town, as I have, and you will see Scores of Boys in Islamic Robes walking to and from lessons at the Mosques Madrasa School where for Hours they wrote, learn the Koran by Heart. And distressingly, every Girl I saw, even those of 6 and 7 playing in the park, was rapped up in a Hijab and shoulder to toe gown, lest a man glimpsed her flesh Soon the New Arrivals had built the Mosque which is designated to accomodate 4, 000 worshippers. Today a Sharia Court Brisk Business espousing the strick Islamic Justice Code. I dont know what you would call an Invasion, but this I would say Fits No Shooting or Fighting, just many Socialist and all Liberal Thinking, Killing the Local People. I do not know about you, but this is Sickening, more than half our Houses of Parliament are Full of these people