King and Queen at Sunderland (1918)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Queen Mary and King George V visit with Military and tour Sunderland Full Description: ENGLAND: Durham: Sunderland: EXT SV, MV King and Queen standing on dockside shaking hands with dignitaries. SV King, Queen and party along gangplank, river in background. MV King on board ship talking to officers as ship goes past another. SV King, Queen and party past workers lined up on dockside. SV King and Queen talking to individual workers in line. SV King and Queen chatting to people. SV King and party past small boys standing on dockside. SV King, Queen and party past man sheet of ood, dock yards in background. MV King, Queen and party walking along dockside. GV worlers standing in front of ship. Gv workers cheer. MV King talking to workers in dock