Science And The Egg Aka Chick Automation: Science Aids The Egg (1962)
Title reads: Science and the Egg. Chick automation. C, U eggs stacked in boxes. Interior shot of battery hen house. C, U chicks in their cubicles showing eggs laid waiting to be collected. Exterior shot chicken farm. C, U man collecting eggs. C, U chickens in hut. C, U farmer making notes of eggs produced. L, S Thornbers egg factory at Reading, Berkshire. Interior shot of laboratory technicians measuring eggs. C, U hand holding egg and statistics being noted down. C, U female technician breaking egg over glass topped table for measuring. C, U technician weighing eggs. M, S man putting boxes of chicks onto gravity rollers. The boxes are rolled around to sex identification department. Various shots lab technicians examining chicks and throwing them into different boxes. Various shots Elliot 803 Electronic Computer at work. C, U man reading information while girl types information into machine. C, U coded type being fed into tape reader. C, U data being recorded onto magnetic tape. M, S man opera