Bizarre Cloud Formation Over China Gives A Glimpse Of An Celestial Kingdom
Strange shadows in the sky that were called ghost towns. These ghostly cities that appear floating among a dense fog, were uploaded to YouTube, which has generated intrigue and speculation in millions of Internet users. According to the scientists, these are mirages, that is, an image displaced from objects created by a refraction of light rays. This phenomenon is known as Fata Morgana and is produced by the separation between hot air and cold air (denser) near the earth s surface acting as a refracting lens, producing a virtual image and generating an optical illusion. However, we must also mention other hypotheses that try to explain these strange phenomena, namely: Holographies created the framework of the Blue Beam Project, of the elite with the idea of confusing and thus pave the way towards the new world order. Parallel universes. Portales another dimension that opens above the Earth. The mysterious experiments that take place at the LHC particle accelerator at the CERN center in Geneva, Swit