You gotta believe me. I just watched it because the songs were so catchy. I didn t use the whole 20minute songs and cut out where it repeated too heavily so it should consist of the somewhat normal song length. I just found out that most, all of the songs weren t specially produced from I thought 100 of this was originally produced. Therefore I will also credit what I can credit here as well. 00:00:00 00:04:30 01 M001WM910242K Artist: Лада Дэнс Song: Девочка Ночь Discogs: YouTube Music Video (Live): YouTube Topic: 00:04:30 00:10:49 02 M002WM910242K Artist: Наталья Ветлицкая Song: Плейбой Discogs: YouTube Music Video: YouTube Topic: 00:10:49 00:19:05 03 M003WM910242K Artist: Катя Лель Song: Мусипуси