Shenmue II Thousand White Convent Scene Cover, Remaster
IMPORTANT: Please refrain from making Shenmue 3related whining and bitching comments. Seriously, it s stupid, pointless since it won t help anyway, and you just make a fool out of yourself. Thanks for your cooperation . FLAC, MP3, OGG, MIDI, sheet music download: Thousand White Convent Scene Hah, I guess I carried over my love for and increased attention to the more obscure pieces of music of a soundtrack from the Touhou fanbase. This is probably one of the over 100 pieces of BGM that no one particularly remembers. Yet for me, this song was a pleasant surprise after I heard it on my first playthrough. Compared to Hong Kong, I found the first pieces of Kowloon s BGM to be really boring. It seemed that the composers already played out all their tricks in the first two discs. But then, this scene came up. Not only did it follow the emerging pattern of Add Xiuying, instant awesome, it also had t br, br,