Benefits of Being a TARTLE Early Adopter
Change can often seem like it comes out of nowhere. Yet, rarely is it really so sudden. Often, change is something that goes on quietly, unnoticed sometimes for years. The explosion of change usually only happens when someone notices what has been going on and tries to stop it. Take the American Revolution. The change in American attitudes towards the British Empire didnt suddenly start in 1776, it had been slowly going on for decades before the king finally noticed and tried to change something that had already happened. The data and decentralization movement is like that. Things have been moving in the direction of decentralization for at least a decade now, probably longer. The changes have been happening all around us, yet it doesnt seem readily apparent to many outside the movement. Decentralization hasnt burst into the mainstream yet, its still waiting for that flurry of opposition that will serve as the galvanizing force that thrusts the movement out into the open. That also makes i