Another Home Craft For Eve Renasco Work (1929)
Mrs FrancisLewis shows the Eve s Film Review audience the Italian Renaissance craft of Renasco Work which any handy women can do at C, U of the lid of a box which has a picture set into it. First take a plain box (hubby s cigar box will do ) C, U of a woman holding up a box. glue the selected picture on the top and fix the thin wooden strips needed C, U of the picture being glued onto the box. It is first measured then glue is brushed onto the back. Woman cuts pieces of wood with a hacksaw then nails them on to the box. Now a heavy coating of extra thick paint C, U of the woman painting away. Using dissolves we reach the stage where she is dribbling paint off her brush to make an abstract pattern on the box. And some gold bronze C, U of the woman applying the paint. When dry, paint a dark brown colour, afterwards wiping off some of the colour to emphasise the high Woman paints dark brown over the top then rubs some away with a cloth. C, U of woman ho