The Cavendish Experiment Obvious Gravitational Attraction
Edit: Sorry all. Conspiracy theorists and their pottymouths are why we can t have nice as a comments section on this video. Originally performed in 1797 by Henry Cavendish, the Cavendish Experiment was the first method for measuring the gravitational constant, G, which reflects the strength of gravitational force. In modern times, though, the Cavendish Experiment, when performed carefully enough, can qualitatively show the attractive force of gravity between objects. Because gravity is such a weak force, and because the strengthof the force is increased by larger masses and closer distances, high density materials are ideal. Having been inspired by other classroom Cavendish Experiment demonstrations, I chose to try my hand at this knowing that I had access to lead bricks. The results produced seem quite compelling. The videos that most inspiredthis Cavendish quest came from Andrew Bennett, who has multiple, very well detailed and explained videos on his attempts at the Cavendish Exper