The Mortal Kombat Cast React To A Mortal Kombat Tournament
Josh Lawson (Kano), Jessica McNamee (Sonya Blade), Joe Taslim (SubZero), Ludi Lin (Liu Kung) and Max Huang (Kung Lao) will watch as their characters face off against one another in a Mortal Kombat tournament and only one character will come out the winner. Mortal Kombat is coming to theaters and HBO Max on April 23rd. Credits: Subscribe to BuzzFeed Multiplayer: BuzzFeed Multiplayer Home for all things gaming, cosplay, reallife recreations, real professionals playing games, challenges, and more If this sounds like the stuff youre into then please subscribe today Love BuzzFeed Multiplayer Get the merch BUY NOW: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: GET MORE BUZZFEED: