World Philosophic review on Kore Kosmou, Peace Magic, Peace building work, The Kings (3)
In this talk for Sunday October 24 Dr Daffern shares some of his work this last week in global philosophical actions for peace: his Tarot cards continue to pour forth from his pen, and this week we have done Perun, Amun, Odin, the Devil and Apollo. . each of which have their place in the Tarot he is making; he shares a personal synchronicity involving Henry 8th, Jane Seymour and the Kings beasts; he gives a detail summary of the Treaty of Westphalia which ended the 30 years war in Europe, after millions had died, and laments that the UK left the European Union which was the greatest peace experiment so far in European history, at the bidding of military capitalist entrepreneurs who have taken over the Conservative Party; he shares the latest work of the World Intellectual Forum in combating all this ignorance with the rapier like point of enlightenments, and finishes with a poem. which is more like a magical incantation. (3)