Scooby Doo 12 being not so much for kids
This is a sequel to my most viewed and controversial video, along with a remade version of the originalfeaturing a revised collection of clipsin the same video. Think Evil Dead II. I was actually really contemplating over whether or not I should make this. The original video was made for one exclusive reason: to show my love for one of my favorite movies of all time. And, at least, half of the conversations that it started were negative. They were either negative towards me, suggesting that I wassomehowsome sort of Christian antisex mother for pointing the details out, or that I was some sort of overobjectifying pervert for pointing the details out, or that I was being an asshole because there were no details to point out. Or they were negative towards the movie, for having the details, which really fucked me up. Anyway, the first film s screenplay (written by James Gunn) was originally going for a PG13 rating with a darker tone, and a lot more sexual innuendos and weed jokes. Shagg