Joshua Slocum: Were Living in a Cluster B World
Disaffected podcast subscribe here Joshua Slocum hosts Disaffected the best new podcast on the market. Our society isn t just getting crazier it s getting Cluster B crazy: borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders and their traits are off the charts. In the universities, media, social media, and the Democratic establishment something is happening, but few can put there finger on it. Josh can and does, and he s not afraid to tell it like it is. He can see it because he has lived through it, and we can all learn from his hardwon experience and painful disillusionment at what his political party has become. Disaffected liberals, horrified observers of the state of North American social trends and ideology, and those just wondering what is going on should tune in, and check out Josh s podcast and videos. Check him out on Twitter and subscribe to his show. You won t regret it.