How To: Valve Adjustment on XR650 L, XR600
This is just a quick video showing you how to adjust and check your valves on your XR650L, XR600. This normally is done (at least checks) every 4000 miles per the factory service manual or when your bike becomes hard to start or has a ticking noise. Make sure prior to adjustments your motor is cool (I d recommend letting it sit overnight) Below are some specs used in the video OEM Specs (NOT Hotcam): Intake Valves:. 004 Exhaust Valves:. 005 Lock nut: 18ft, lbs All valves are adjusted on the compression stroke. The trick to always get it on this stroke is to do what I showed in the video where you watch the intake valves go down and return up then immediately start looking for TDC as you turn the motor over counterclockwise SLOWLY :) As always, feel free to comment below if you have any questions