Young Football Fan Plays Queen The Show Must Go On on Public Piano, Cole Lam 14 Years Old
Out in my Aubameyang Arsenal top to play Queen on a public piano at St Pancras Train Station That s a bit of deja vu (not the Olivia Rodrigo one, but maybe that s coming ). This is the amazing The Show Must Go On that was mainly composed by Brian May. So much of this tells a story of many people, but so much of Freddie Mercury the genius. My makeup may be flaking but my smile still stays on. Most photogenic Arsenal fan apart from me ( ) in the background too Check out the end this was at the end of about 2 hours, and my dad did not have breakfast that morning We went to watch Arsenal at our home stadium afterwards. Also, thank you to George and Bob (my Patrons) who came and watched me that day, as well as Bob for handing out flyers with my details WOO Sheet Music for my own Arrangement Don t Stop Me Now: , Queen, BrianMay, TheShowMustGoOn, FreddieMercury, PianistsOfStPancras If you would like to support