Some Visual studio errors, VSTS extension, Continuous Integration, Azure Dev Ops tutorial 8
This Visual Studio tutorial will focus on some errors while creating VSTS extension and its continuous integration pipeline. . See which errors may happen during building VSTS extension or configuring build and release management with VSTS. Learn more about the error with referencing the images, which is usually because the filenames on VSTS are case sensitive. In addition, another error that may happen is the format of the build number while trying to override it. See how to override the package name appropriately. Error may happen also in the release management with the build number, which should increase each time the extension is published, so make sure that before trigger the deployment you increment the build number. About the Author Video: www. .., MRadwanMSF, vsts, VisualStudioTeamServiceextension, Continuousdelivery, buildnumber, buildingVSTSextension 20171228 Z6E7v3NFjM