The famous melt in your mouth cookies with few ingredients, quick and easy cookies, sweet
The famous meltinyourmouth cookies with few ingredients, quick and easy cookies, sweet Enable translation in your language. On mobile click CC in the top right corner of the video. On your computer, click on video settings and turn on translation One of the best desserts I have ever made was this The most famous desserts that drives the whole world crazy that melts in your mouth You will make this dessert everyday It is so delicious The tastiest dessert The dessert is yummy, fast, simple and affordable Best holiday dessert Best christmas recipe Best christmas desserts Ingredients: 2 eggs 100 g of sugar (1, 3 cup) 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil 250 grams of cottage cheese ( 2, 5, 3 cup) 250 grams of all purpose flour ( 2, 5, 3 cup) 1 teaspoon of baking powder pinch of salt and vanilla(optional) powdered sugar Bake at 170 C (330 F) for about 25minutes Enjoy the desserts, 1