Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter Review (1986) Georg Great
This is an indepth review, analysis of Space Quest 1 for MSDOS, the iconic Sierra adventure game that set the bar for all the titles to come. In the first half of the video I discuss the most notorious element of this game: the dead man walking syndrome, while in the latter half I try to examine the minutia of Space Quests game design. This video is a bit more analytical in style than the previous one, hence the lack of the retelling of my experience from Ultima review, which may seem counterintuitive (since I literally praise this game for being an immersive scifi adventure), but I really wanted to avoid spoiling puzzle solutions and withhold as much as I could without harming the analysis. Not only that this game sort of doesnt need that as much as Ultima did, since Space Quest, frankly, speaks for itself. What I want is for people that watch this video to be able to jump into Space Quest and get the most out of what it offers if I just recap what will happen to them, Ill simply spoil th