Beethoven Symphony No. 3, grand piano + digital orchestra
John Bereslavsky (grand piano), Teo Leonov and Anna Rayevskaya (digital orchestra) Beethoven is an ingenious thinker. The major concept of his masterpieces is brotherhood. He sees it as the keystone to the integrity of existence and a precondition of peace on the Earth. According to Beethoven s philosophy, the divinity in a human being can be developed individually and in union with others. There is a divine potential in every human being and when it is revealed the highest brotherhood can be achieved. The first part of Beethoven s symphony represents the great battle between good and evil. Inspite of the fact that evil dominates, hero calls for all good forces on earth and in heaven and enters into the battle being sure that evil will be defeated. In the second part the hero wins even if he gives up his life. He becomes immortal and glorified in eternity for his brave struggling and standing against all global evil. The third part is the voice of the Good forces. In the f