HPV Vaccine: Why Is There So Much Misinformation about It
The HPV vaccine is still controversial 15 years after its debut. OB, GYN Dr. Thais Aliabadi shares that its easy to find misinformation about the HPV vaccine online, and its important to research accredited scientific sites about the vaccine for accurate information. Pediatric infectious disease specialist Dr. Paul Offit shares the antivaccination crusaders like the Gardasil girls are putting peoples lives at risk. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy awardwinning daytime talk show in its 13th season. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.