The Son of the Phoenix: INTEGRAL EDITION, A Warhammer 40k Comic Dub
Thank you so much for being here and thank you to the people who made this possible Comic and art at the end by the talented Mixuen: Voice of Kit by Kat echoblackkatva Voice of the Dark Eldar by Genny Sherard: Voice of the Scout by the one and ONLY DreadAnon Thanks for helping out, old bean. ;) Voice of Sergeant Kit by GunnarGuyVA Voice of the Sister of Battle by VoiceQuills More info about the legion: Music: Legacy by Scott Buckley released under CCBY 4. 0. , warhammer, warhammer40k, warhammer40000, warhammermeme, voiceacting, wholesome, comicdub, warhammercomicdub, sonsofthephoenix, Ibloodyloveprovenceambiance Feel free to support me on Kofi