Elvis Presley I Got A Woman 11 August 1970, Midnight Show Re edited with Stereo audio
The second song that Elvis performed during his midnight show of 11 August was I Got A Woman which would of course become the standard second song in Elvis set; list in the years to come. What is extremely interesting about this rendition is not so much about Elvis but of the camera shots which are available featuring as they do mostly on the band members. There is almost a minute of fascinating footage where the camera is pointed directly at Elvis magnificent drummer Ronnie Tutt, and it gives a wonderful mesmerising glimpse of this consummate professional at work. There are also some wide shots from behind the backing singers giving an insight to the point of view that they had of Elvis during the show and it also gives an idea as to the scope of the size of what was at that time the biggest showroom in Las Vegas. As with all of these videos, to get the most out of the reedited audio, I highly recommend you use ear, headphones and turn the volume up as much as you dare