CNC carving a male torso out of plywood With the Shapeoko
Male torso CNCcarved out of plywood. By Dennis Van Hoof, from Top o Arts 3D model generated from a series of 50 photos for photogrammetry with Zephyr software. Manual cleanup and slicing of the 3D model with Meshmixer software. Router tool paths created with VCarve software. Carving done with the Shapeoko XXL, using WhiteSide router bits. Approximately 7 hours of carving per plywood board (10 boards in total). Gluing of 18 pieces with regular wood glue. Sanding with Dremel drums and flap wheels, and polishing finish by hand. Stained with Danish natural oil and varnished with semigloss. Statue was mounted onto a marble slab with Fuzeit LN2000. Referenced video: CNC carving a female torso out of plywood with the Shapeoko