Confused About Your Cultural Identity Here s What You Can Do
When I was a little kid, the Toronto neighborhood I lived in was very multicultural. My neighbors included people from across a range of cultures, as well as lots of other South Asian families. It felt safe and comfortable. It felt like home. But then my parents decided to move. In my new neighborhood I stood out, but not in a good way. I was surrounded by affluent white kids, who werent used to cultural diversity. I endured a truckload of racist bullying, which caused me to want to reject my cultural heritage. I felt lost, confused, and trapped between cultures. This experience continued for many years until I changed the way I think about my identity and about what it means to find belonging. In this, AskRitu video, I talk about my challenges with my ethnic identity and what led me to find peace in who I am. Watch now About Ritu Bhasin: Ritu Bhasin, MBA, is an internationally recognized expert in diversity and leadership developme