1080c) J. S. Bach, Yan Priya Kumara Janardhana Die Kunst der Fuge, BWV 1080. Canon II Gamelan Kembang Ceraki
The name Bach is synonymous with Baroque music, while the word gamel means to hammer in Javanese and is the root word for the fascinating orchestral music known as Europe and the Southeast Asian tradition of Javanese gamelan: 1) symmetrical hierarchical rhythmic structures; 2) twopart antecedentconsequent melodic structures to articulate form; 3) the implementation of goaloriented devices (harmonic cadence in Baroque, seleh in Javanese gamelan) for articulating movement through the structure and marking points of arrival; 4) the use of stylized improvisation (continuo in Baroque, garapan in gamelan) in accompanying parts based on a common practice and guided by a melodic line; and 5) the importance of royal courts in the fostering of music creation and performance, to name a few. Opportunity to discover elements of contact, nearness, similitude, and symmetry, be they of musical features or simply atmospheric feel.