Vadhakarmadhikarin ( India) Vikramana Mahamedha Sandhya ( EP 2022)
After debuting in 2020, with a compilation tape via War Vellum, and being featured earlier this year with a track on the tremendous Impending Insidious IndoAsian Imperium split, shared with projects of the circle of the 4444 Reich, this project of the tyrannic Kolkata Inner Order returns to plague and desecrate the modern degeneracy. 18minutes of bludgeoning and hateful Black, Death tinged with the absolute mayhem and unbridled hatred of Noisecore, while completely soaked on Power Electronics elements, Vadhakarmadhikarin serves pure audial terrorism, to consecrate its sonic annihilation as sacrifices for Shakta (sacrifical altar is depicted on the cover art). An absolute massacre that shall certaily please fans of early Tetragrammacide, Naramedha, Konflict or Nyogthaeblisz. Released on tape via Nuclear War Now Productions. MLP to be released through Goatowarex. Kolkata Inner Order: