Sony a7 S II Atomos Shogun Inferno, REVIEW, Does this setup make sense
Our Filmmaking Gear: We will be looking at the specs, handheld shooting, weight, battery life, rigging and recommended uses for the Sony a7S II with the Atomos Shogun Inferno. Navigation 0:53 How Atom HDR works 1:33 Shogun Inferno features 5:05 Difference between Shogun Flame and Inferno 5:47 Handheld shooting and mounting 6:32 Weight 6:42 Battery life 7:14 Mounting experiment 7:41 Hotshoe mounting problems 8:38 Hotshoe mounting conclusion 9:22 Frankenstein Shoulder rig setup 10:12 Shoulder rig advantages, disadvantages 10:30 Things to keep in mind 10:52 Redemption (conclusion) 11:51 Recommendations Don t forget to leave us a LIKE or DISSLIKE and FEEDBACK so we can Improve our Videos More infos: Sony a7S II specs: FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: QUESTIONS Leave a comment or email us: