Cardano Wall send any message or Proof of Existence to the Cardano blockchain
Website: CardanoWall is a service that allows you to effortlessly send messages to the Cardano blockchain network without needing to understand the technical goingson behind the scenes. Your message will become part of the blockchain and will remain there forever. CardanoWall lets the authors anonymously prove the authorship of PoE. It also encrypts files in a browser and stores a copy in the CardanoWall public storage. The entire encryption and decryption process takes place exclusively on users computers. Neither the service nor anyone else has access to users private keys. If you like the ideas that CardanoWall has developed and implemented and want to see it progress even further, you can support the service by delegating to an author s personal stake pool called VICE. Your support is significant as due to the pool s efficient operation, I can allocate more time and funding to further develop the CardanoWall service. , cardano, ada, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency