HEMA, Swordfish 2018 Open Longsword FINALS
HEMA tee for pandemic times: Sergey Kultaev vs Antoni Olbrychski Men s Longsword Finals Introduction: 0:00 Round 1: 5:20 Round 2: 9:59 Awards: 14:38 Sword of Destiny music by Jillian Aversa: Official GHFS channel: FENCERS (BRONZE): Matthys Kool (Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland) Jimmy Olsson (Gothenburg Historical Fencing School) FENCERS (GOLD): Sergey Kultaev (Freifechtergilde): Antoni Olbrychski (Akademia Szermierzy): Excerpt from Swordfish 2018 Swordfish is the first and greatest annual event in Sweden for Historical European Martial Arts.