Addie Luc, Did you think this was love
small screen HD and headphones for best viewing experience Subtitles available Another dialogue heavy video coming your way So whilst people have been busy vidding Shadow and Bone season 2 and completely overflow my subscription feed, I decided to make this in stead. I did another, addieluc edit back in August and that one had a very tragic love story vibe to it. .. this time I ve gone for a more toxic relationship vibe. If you haven t seen it but would like to, here s a link: I hope you enjoy it. Song: Cast: Addie: Jenna Coleman Luc: Tom Hughes Footage: Chanel No. 5 ad, Death Comes to Pemberley, Doctor Who, Marple, Marvels The Punisher, Paula, Red Joan, Robin Hood, Shadow Bone, The Cry, The Game, The Lady Vanishes, The Laureate, The Sandman, The Serpent, Victoria , fanvidfeed, theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue