Mozart Stanzi I Need You Like a Heart Needs a Beat
Mozart had several years of glory, being recognized by kings and queens of every Europe. However, HE never knew how to work with money. The exploration of his kindness and musical brilliant idea soon would appear on the part of great opportunists. Already married, HE began to see his life collapse. The woman, abandoned him. the mother, that so much loved, got sick seriously. Mozart, without money, sold compositions in exchange for medicines for his mother, that died after some months. Sad and disappointed, Mozart fell sick. The only faithful friend, his dog, was who was to his side until the day of his death, on December 5, 1791. Mozart was buried in a common ditch, in Vienna. His wife, Constanze Weber, that was in Paris, was knowing about Mozart s death and it left for similar Vienna of visiting the grave of the husband. When arriving there, HE entered in despair to the knowledge that Mozart had been buried as indigent, without they gave him, her nor a plate with his name as tombstone. It wa