Prince Of Wales In Canada (1919)
Prince of Wales in Canada. Prince of Wales (future Edward VIII Duke of Windsor) visiting Canada Crowd in Winnipeg street held back by police volunteer crowd control workers. Cannons firing salute. Prince walks through doors toward cam. ; followed by military officers; officials; also some nurses. Another crowd control struggle; chain of soldiers pushing against crowd vice versa; people swaying being shoved against each other troops. Suddenly a young woman in helmet bursts through as if she s been squeezed out; next comes a guy dragging a goat behind him really funny MCU soldier petting goat (looking fairly calm). Prince inspects troops (Western Cavalry goat mascot at end of row. Next; shot through French doors: car drives up to house; Prince arrives for lunch at Assiniboine Park. Prince poses w, Mayor of Winnipeg unidentified man. Prince Mayor getting into car outside Board of Trade. Prince leaving Manitoba Military Hospital where he visited wounded. Nurses hospital. staff wavi