Margaret Thatcher on State Visit to Pakistan
On her official visit to Pakistan, PM, Margaret Thatcher, visits the border with Afghanistan. PAKISTAN Khyber GV Pass: MS Helicopter arrives Tents of refugees camp MS Child in tent PULL BACK MS Margaret Thatcher greets elder MS Men seated in tent MS More MS One sings Koran verses CMS President Zia of Pakistan CMS Two tribesmen listen MS MARGARET THATCHER:SOF: And I want to say that have voice drowned out MS Men chanting PULL BACK Margaret Thatcher No males PAN to women and group Landi LMS Helicopter lands Kotal: MS Chiefs wait with garlands CMS Sheep MS Margaret Thatcher pats them MS Margaret Thatcher looking PAN ZOOM Afghan territory LMS Inspects Guard of Honour MS Guard of Honour Khyber rifles CMS, Guard of Honour Side MS Three Afghan soldiers shake MS Margaret Thatcher (and Denis) and President Zia looking MS Margaret Thatcher and off LMS Lorries wait to cross border MS Margaret Thatcher looking at Kalashnikov, automatic rifle Denis holds it up. Date: 08, 10, 1981 br, br,