how to create a PRODUCTIVE STUDY SCHEDULE that AVOIDS BURNOUT time management tips for students
Click this link to get a 1MONTH FREE TRIAL of SKILLSHARE: Take control of your time This is how to create a PRODUCTIVE STUDY SCHEDULE that AVOIDS BURNOUT I hope you enjoy my sustainable time management tips for students Here is my template: Download it or make a copy to edit it SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram LINKS TO ITEMS: Stationary Daily Planner: Muji Pencil: Muji Black Pens: Muji Erasers: Lifestyle RayBan Glasses: Endy Mattress Pillows: ykyj, nathanwu LRP Moisturizer: LRP Sunscreen: Technology MacBook Pro: iPhone 12 Screen Protector: Apple Watch: Ring Light + Tripod: DISCOUNT CODES: Ana Luisa Jewelry: Nathanwu10 Teangle Matcha: NATHANWU15 FUM Aromatherapy: NATHAN Filippo Loretti Watches: NATHANWU15 Bottoms Lab Apparel: NATHAN10 Bokksu Japanese Snacks: NATHAN10 TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 0:29 Template 1:41 Morning 3:33 Bonus Tip 4:48 Day 8:39 Lunch 9:20 Evening 11:05 Weekends 12:09 Flexibility 14:11 Conclusion , productive, study, timemanagement