An analysis of rough vocal effects How to teach them
Kaare Thøgersen from Complete Vocal Institute presents: Extreme Singing. An analysis of rough vocal effects such as Distortion, Rattle, Growl and Grunt How to teach them. New video on the Rough Vocal Effects such as Distortion, Rattle, Growl and Grunt from Complete Vocal Technique. Including a short summary of the findings, the sounds, the laryngeal gestures and teaching methods. Research by Mathias Aaen Thuesen, Julian McGlashan Cathrine Sadolin. They also have a forthcoming paper on Vocal Effects such as Distortion, Growl, Grunt and Rattle. This presentation was given at the VII World Voice Consortium Congress VIII Annual COST related Symposium in Copenhagen, Dec. 2017. Want to learn more Find the paper Overdrive and Edge as Refiners of belting An empirical Study Qualifying and Categorizing Belting Based on Audio Perception, Laryngostroboscopic Imaging, Acoustics, LTAS, and EGG here Find the paper on Curbing