Into the Woods, Agony (1080p)
From Into the Woods Performed by Chris Pine and Billy Magnussen Links para compra: DVD Caminhos da Floresta: Outros filmes com Maryl Streep: Walt Disney: Obs: Ao adquirir qualquer produto por esses links, você estará ajudando o canal Muito obrigada Lyrics Did I abuse her or show her disdain Why does she run from me If I should lose her how shall I regain The heart she has won from me Agony, beyond power of speech When the one thing you want Is the only thing out of your reach High in her tower she sits by the hour Maintaining her hair Blithe and becoming and frequently humming A lighthearted air Ah Agony, far more painful than yours When you know she would go with you If there only were doors Agony, all the torture they teach What s as intruiging or half so fatiguing As what s out of reach Am I not sensitive,