Forging a Monster Hunter Rise Greatsword Axe Blade
Forging the Greatsword Axeblade. We finally forge a giant weapon from Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter is known for its huge weaponry and the Axe Blade is no different. The team will have it s hands full with this build. There will be everything to make it come to life Forging, fabrication and tons of grinding. We will use power hammers, 2 x 72 grinders, hand grinders, welders, torches and plasma cutters. Blacksmithing and Bladesmithing on a giant or should I say Monstrous scale. This is not a switch axe from MHW but perhaps we will do that next. Try Monster Hunter Rise on PC today That Works Patreon Visit to purchase our new T shirt. Special thanks to Pat Quinn from the Center for Metal Arts. Join Our Discord Thanks to our shop sponsors: Red Label Abrasives www.