This solar energy innovation is 10 times cheaper than analogues: solar electricity 24 hours a day
I made (a month ago) this new device for converting solar radiation into thermal energy of 300400 ºC, which can be converted into electricity. It uses very cheap mirrors (less than 1 USD, and is an improvement on my solar station, which was built 8 years ago, has 58 sq. m of mirrors and cost me about 1000. Its mirrors focus solar radiation and turn it into heating water for space heating this house in winter and heating water of this pool in summer in the climate of central Ukraine. Many of us might think that this steam could be used to generate electricity, however in fact it is not, and the main problem will be described in the middle of this video. But that problem is solved by this my new solar heater, and I will show how it can create thermal energy with temperatures up to 400 ºC. I will describe it in the last minutes of this video, and therefore millions of these cheap solar heaters can form similar solar stations to generate cheap solar electricity. So, I r