24 MX Alestrem Hard Enduro 2023, Wade Young Rd. 1 European Championship by Jaume Soler
Ales trem Hard Enduro opens the international Extreme Enduro season with the first European Challenge round at Alés, Mercoirol and Pôle Mécanique (France). Just 4 riders reach the finish after 8 hours of crazy riding at french mountains, climb and trails. Dirt Bike action, fails skills 1. Wade Young (Sherco Factory, 3) Finisher 7h14 2. Manuel Lettenbichler (RedBull KTM 304) Finisher +7 3. Mario Roman (Sherco Factory, 1) Finisher +35 4. Teodor Kabakchiev (KTM Bulgaria, 8) Finisher +40 5. Matthew Green (KTM RigoRacing, 9) WP8, 10 6. Alfredo Gomez (Rieju Official, 2) WP8, 10 7. Sonny Goggia (KTM MCS, 4) WP7, 10 8. Eddie Karlsson (KTM Uswe, 92) WP7, 10 9. Miquel Gelabert (Beta, 85) WP6, 10 10. Fabien Poirot (Gas Gas, 5) WP6, 10