Arch. Michael said Dont Miss This Key to Your Awakening Energy Centers July 24 (2021)
, ArchangelMichael, KeytoAwakening, July24, EnergyCentres, throatChakra, awakening, ArchangelMichaelSpeaks, galacticFederation, GalacticFederationofLight, Spirituality, channeling In this channeled session, Archangel Michael shares us an important message that prepares us for what is about to occur on July 24. Furthermore, Archangel Michael also shares with us an important technique known as balancing of our throat Chakra to help us awaken to the truth within. This balancing method is so powerful that I tried it and immediately felt at peace. Also, Archangel Michael tells us about the energy centers that are in our physical vehicle and talks about their balancing. If you want to know your past lives and your lesson for current lifetime and your soul name, email me at