10 K SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL Best of Vocal Reactions Song Covers ( Dimash, Sohyang, Morissette, Diana)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your continual support and engagement This video is made for YOU awesome people :))))) Our teachers Sean Oliver, Bryan Chan and Axity Chong celebrate the SeanyMac Studios Youtube Channel s 10k subscriber milestone by recounting their favorite moments (vocal reactions, song covers etc. ) from the channel so far Check out our Vocal Coach Reacts (Vocal Reaction) playlist here: Check out our Teacher Demos (Song Covers) playlist here: Track: November by Hydroferric Watch: Free Download, Stream: Vocal Coaches: Sean Oliver, Bryan Chan and Axity Chong Recorded and produced by Bryan Chan Hong Kong based, SeanyMac Studios founder, Sean Oliver is the vocal coach to the stars. SeanyMac Studios specializes in private lessons