Festive Seasonalities (1933)
Surprising how a little crepe paper judiciously cut and arranged can improve the appearance of your festive table. Helping that Christmas tree C, U of woman sitting at a table with a bowl in front of her. Crepe paper is used to decorate the bowl. The woman then produces a small Christmas tree possibly also made of crepe paper and wire. The Christmas tree is placed on top of the bowl. C, U of woman cutting a piece of Christmas wrapping paper in half. She then cuts around the picture of Father Christmas which is on the wrapping paper and glues it to a piece of card. She then cuts out the Father Christmas figure which is stuck onto the card. The cardboard Father Christmas is then attached to the front of the bowl to make a Christmas display in front of the Christmas the chairs for the kiddies party can be made L, S of woman in a highly decorated room snowmen, Father Christmas figures, patterned tablecloth etc. She places wrapped presents on the chairs around the t