25 Years After Woodsboro: A Scream Fan Film
A notforprofit fan film, written and directed by Mark J. Parker, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Scream franchise, and following the events of Scream 1 through 4. Employees at a TV production company in New York making a STAB series are targeted by a familiar attacker Ghostface during a late night at the office. This film is a fan film and is original material for noncommercial entertainment. This film is not authorized or endorsed by Fun World, Miramax, Paramount, or any other companies affiliated with the Scream property. This film was selffunded and no profit shall be made from it being viewed publicly. Rebooting the STAB film series into a TV series in this story is a meta nod to the reallife Scream TV series that lasted for three seasons. Ghost Face is a registered trademark of Fun World Div. , Easter Unlimited, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ghost Face protected under worldwide copyright registration and is the exclusive property of Fun World Div. , Easter Unlimited, Inc. All Rig