The discovery of the temple of Amenhotep III
A movie directed by Antoine Chéné. In Luxor, the colossi of Memnon, on the leftbank of the river Nile, in EGYPT, marked theentrance to the biggest temple ever built by a Pharaoh, the temple of Amenhotep III. Since early 2000, aninternational team led by HourigSourouzian, an egyptologistspecializing in the sculpture of the Pharaohs, is bringing back to life this temple, whose remains, with the exception of the two Memnon colossi, have all disappeared. Thus, the team haveunearthed another six colossi, eachmeasuring more than 10 meters high, aswell as more than 150statues of Sehkmets, the goddesses bearing a lions head on a female body, each of them about two meters high. In addition, many sphinxes, royal statues and others relics have been found. Filmed since 2004, wefollowall the major phases of this project, which has served to highlightthe spectacular discoveries, realizing in the process the grandiose character of this temple, constructed by a Pharaoh in times of peace